Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since I updated my blog last and boy has quite a bit happened since then. Where to start where to start...
Well, Amy went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and grew yet another inch in a month. I think she's cursed to be a 6 foot red head. Boy, this mommy might be in trouble with that. She's definitely her mothers daughter though. Just today as Terry and I put together his new grill I look out the back door from the garage and she had climbed up onto the table standing. She's going to give me gray hair any day now at this rate. She is in LOVE with her pool and seems as if she can't get enough of it. She's constantly in and out of it all day long! She has finally started getting teeth which boy I'm glad because she had me starting to worry. She got her top two teeth first which is a little unusual for kids to do, but oh well. Next she started getting a back tooth and a front bottom tooth at the same time and boy was that a painful week and a half as they broke through. Now she is starting to get another back tooth and hopefully soon the second bottom one will start poking through. When the doctor says the older the baby is when they start getting their teeth the healthier they are but the worse they teeth...they're not joking I found out.
Due to all of Amy's ear infections in the last 8 months she's going to have to get tubes in her ears unfortunately. But, on the bright side maybe she'll stop getting ear infections...that'd be nice. She enjoys going to grandma and grandpas house and riding on the tractor with Grandpa and mommy :)
She's definitely a John Deere Girl :) Grandpa's happy about that! |
Every Tuesday we go to Rachel and Casey's house for dinner and just to hang out. It's been such an enjoyable time since we've started it. They've been a spiritual up-bringer. It's been so good for me and has helped me to reassess life and where I stand. I couldn't be more blessed having them in my life and having such a spiritually sound couple to strengthen spiritually with. Amy absolutely loves playing with the kids while we're there and barely stops to eat...which is usual for her busy body personality.
Last week she cuddled up in between Casey and Karina boy it was sure adorable :) |
I've been blessed beyond what I deserve and I couldn't be more thankful...well I'm sure we all could be more thankful. I've been given the opportunity to stop working while I'm in school to not work and be able to spend more time with my beautiful daughter :) When God brought this all about and to my attention I was very skeptical about it because I was determined to do everything on my own and by myself. But, God thankfully opened my eyes and heart to the opportunity and told me it was ok to take it. He told me he wasn't going to look at me any differently because I wanted to take the opportunity to be there for my daughter more and be able to instill God in her life and what he's done for her and everyone else.
I'm going to be starting my fourth month of class Thursday and I'm excited to finally be out of the boring stuff and get into the interesting stuff of my education. We start learning about the Integumentary system and boy I'm thrilled! There's definitely been some ups and downs to school, but for the most part I've enjoyed it and will hopefully continue to enjoy it :)
Now for just some random pictures :)
She's all ready for the sunshine and the beach season :) |
She LOVES to hang out with Uncle Eric and sport her crazy frizzy hair! |
She's just a natural model :p |
One thing I'll miss about working is walking out to a beautiful reminder
of God's handy work! |
How I love to snuggle with my precious peanut! |
When my days get long and my heart gets weary, I remember the blessing God has given me and I'm suddenly less dreary. Theres no better blessing that I could have gotten from God to straighten my life out. GOD is faithful to those who are faithful to him and even faithful to those who aren't. We are a loved people |
Sometimes life is like a storm, they drench you they stress you they sadden you and sometimes even make you want to scream. But then you remember its only a passing moment in life and God's there to protect you and help you through it all! |
Random Picture from the trip to Illinois in late April :) |
I've truly been blessed to have added these wonderful
people to my life. I can't imagine life without my little and big
brother who don't let me up for air :)
Let's not forget a sister who has just been there!
A set of Michigan parent's who keep me in line :)
Remember to THANK God DAILY for the things he has given you and remember without our Father in Heaven we wouldn't be here today! Thank you God for the gift of life!
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