Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God's Life to Live Not Mine!

I forever hear that it is my life I will do what I want. However, in reality, it is not our life to live and NO; we cannot do what we want. Our lives are meant to be lived according to God's word. I am so grateful that God found a way to bring me back to the wonder of His grace. I was a sinner saved by the blood of Jesus and the grace of God. It always amazes me how God can love a wee sinner like me, but then I read his word and I know that I don't need to understand, I just need to realize that my life is to be lived to show the wonder of his glory and grace. I just love being able every morning to sit down and have the freedom to read my Bible and study the word and instruction God has given to us. Lord willing I will be able to make that forever covenant with God on the weekend of November 17 and 18th and I can't even express how ecstatic I am about that weekend. 
It has been wonderful studying the book of Colossians with a group of women online. I never realized how much one verse could affect a person one way in his or her life while affecting someone else in a different way. Today we read in Colossians 1:19-20 and it speaks so much about how We have to truly be willing to allow God to live through us and shine through us. You know we have to reach out to the lost and obey all Gods commands to us whether they are great or small. There is no picking and choosing. God gives us that peace in our hearts that just strengthens every time we do what he asks without questioning him. We are only given that peace in our hearts because God was willing to give up his son for us. That was the ultimate gift to us and the ultimate price. What are we doing in return to thank God?  I'm just really enjoying reading this book so far and I'm sure as the study goes on I will continue to enjoy it. 
Amy just continues to be Amy. She scoots around so quickly that she gets to the other side of the room almost quicker than a baby that crawls does. It is amazing how much she can get into already. She has managed to crumple up quite a few pages in Laurie's hymnbook due to being too quick. I had to literally clear everything but her toys off the floor today to keep her from getting into things. Well this post is rather short due to me needing to pack for the weekend trip to Taylor, MO, which I am rather excited about :) Hope everyone has a blessing filled weekend!

Friday, September 21, 2012

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Wow, I cannot believe it is already the last few days of September. Time just seems to be passing me by so quickly. Amy is 6 and half months old already and it just seems so crazy. It seems like yesterday that Laurie and I were driving to the hospital that morning. It just still amazes me how God has taken my life and just turned it around so much. He took me from a life of sin, despair and darkness to a life full of happiness, peace and joy. He has shown me that there is more to life than what I was doing. It has just been so amazing to see how God has been working in my life, the past few weeks. I do not think we always take the time to stop and reflect on how God has worked in our lives. Every day I learn something new. It is not always big and many times, it is small, but God is continuing to teach me every day. Over the last few weeks, I have just seen the joy in trusting God fully with everything in life and trusting that when he closes one door he opens a window. He does not leave us in a rut and he is always faithful making sure we are taken care of. I am doing a bible study with a wonderful group of women on the book of Colossians and it has been amazing so far. It has taught me how much we have to rely on God for life. How important prayer is and how much God truly loves us enough to bring us out of darkness into light and into his kingdom. I feel so blessed that God has just given me so many good people to surround me. There are people that have come into my life that I cannot imagine not being there now. They have all influenced my life one way or another. All these people have just helped me to grow stronger in my Faith in some way or another.
It has been an amazing experience just to watch my little girl grow. She is 6 and a half months already (yeah I know I mentioned that already). She has now started to be able to pick up finger food and get it to her mouth, which is a huge help when she eats lunch because I can get something done while she eats. She has started to get into EVERYTHING now and I feel like I am always saying no that is not for you. She's definitely gotten on this kick of chewing on paper, which is hard sometimes because it's hard to keep an eye on her twenty four seven. She is scooting herself around on her tummy and gets to the other side of the room rather quickly. It is crazy to think that she is probably going to be crawling in the next few weeks. I do not know that her mommy is ready for that stage yet. I am not sure that I am ready for her to be getting into things even more. It was funny today though, I went into the living room to see what she was doing and she was taking the plant our of the pot by the fireplace. Let’s just say she had dirt all over the carpet. I finally decided to tie the fireplace doors together because she keeps opening them and closing them, in the process pinching a finger or two. She is doing a lot more of sitting up when I put her in the sitting position. She actually sits and plays with her toys instead of lays and plays with her toys. It is just a blessing every time she advances into something new; before I know it, she is going to be all grown up on her mommy. However, I do not want to think about that quite yet.
Tomorrow is my last day at Heidi's Farmstand; it is a joyous yet very sad. It is always a joyous moment when you submit yourself fully to the will of the Lord instead of trying to get around it. I am definitely going to miss working with the awesome people I work with and seeing the sunrise every morning. Although I am not sure, I can say I am not going to miss the early mornings. Tomorrow is also the first day of my FAVORITE season...fall. Fall has just so many happy memories, yet sad memories in it. I am definitely going to miss not being able to look out my window at the combine and tractors going through the fields. Being surrounded by trees is an adjustment for me, but I am slowly adjusting to it. It helps that this is the second year in a row that I am going to be missing harvest around home. I am definitely longing right now to help clean out the combine at the end of the season. Yeah, that might make me seem like a slight dork, but I can honestly say I enjoy making sure the grain tank is all cleaned out and make sure all the crooks and crannies are blown clean. My greatest memories of fall will always be riding in the combine with my grandfather. I miss those times. I even rode with him during high school when most kids would rather be doing other things. One of the greatest things of fall is that you get to wear sweatshirts and jeans. I have to say I love my sweatshirts and jeans (although I am starting to become more comfortable in skirts). With the slight chill in the air, a sweatshirt is just a great addition to an outfit. I get to cuddle up on the couch with Amy wrapped in a blanket and just sit snuggling with her for hours.
The thing that seems the craziest about this year is that my mom will have been gone for 8 years in about a month and a half. It does not seem like it has been that long ago, but at the same time it seems like it should be so much longer. I have wonderful memories of my mom and the time we spent together. I always enjoyed cuddling with my mom, especially during storms (which I used to be highly afraid of). Having Amy just has reminded me of the joys I had with my mom when I was a kid and makes me want to make sure Amy has those same great memories that I have of my mom. I was just thinking the other day of how I am going to explain to Amy that he grandma lives in Heaven. Someday when Amy is old, enough I will take her to see her grandmas' tombstone. I just want to make sure that Amy knows her name comes from a truly wonderful woman. A woman who was the definition of strong, I look forward to telling my daughter all about her grandmother; how someday she will see her when she gets to Heaven. I was talking with someone Wednesday about my mom and I was telling him that a few weeks after she died, I saw her standing in the living room clothed in white, just glowing. Therefore, there is no doubt in my mind that she is in Heaven looking down. 
One of the fruits of the spirit is love. I got to see firsthand the true definition of what I see as love, when I headed back to Illinois Labor Day weekend. My grandparents are the epitome of love. My grandmother had back surgery back in July. My grandfather just stepped in doing the cooking, helping her get ready in the morning; he even puts her shoes on for her. True love is someone who is eager to take care of someone without expecting something in return, no word of complaint, just joy and happiness. Talking with my grandma the day I was leaving to come home, I was amazed to hear that they have never yelled at each other. It just floored me to hear that, even in time of irritation and anger they never got to the point of yelling at each other. Shows how love endures all, even in the hard times. If I am not mistaken, they have been married for 56 years this year, maybe 57. I have a horrible memory. Anyways, they have just showed me a lot just through example how one should act. 
This is Love!

Best Friend
and Aunt!
It will be a year that I started going to Alto church Columbus Day weekend. It is somewhat crazy that it has already been that long. I have to say I have met some wonderful people since I have been here in Alto. I have to say one of my greatest influences is my best friend Moonlight. Yeah, I know you are jealous of her name, lol. We became very fast friends. I went to church the Sunday of Columbus Day weekend and definitely hid by my aunt. Moonlight never once if I remember how she said it even saw me and she sees everyone on their first Sunday. Well I skipped the next weekend, and decided to come back the following weekend. From what I understand, she was encouraged to call me up and see if I wanted to hang out with her for a bit. That Saturday night was the start to a great friendship (sounds a little cliché I know). I remember that Saturday night quite distinctly. Playing through her ringtone list, seeing how much it would take to annoy Aaron, giving Aaron a horrible time (yeah believe it or not we did), don't really remember seeing much of Ben at all, but to say the least we had a good time. I remember the Sunday Moonlight asked me if I would be available to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, it was about two weeks before her engagement was announced. Let me tell you that was a long two weeks of waiting. We lived with each other for about two months and it was always said if you see smoke coming from Lansing Moonlight and Kasi got into some type of mischief.  We were not that much of trouble I promise. She just showed me a lot by actions of what a life with Christ can be like and how much happier I could be. I could not say enough about Moonlight and how great of a best friend she is unless you wanted to read a three-page post about it and I am sure you all do not. So we will just say life would not be the same without our craziness and quiet conversations telepathically (which her husband will never understand). God has definitely blessed me with a great best friend and Amy with an amazing Aunt.
1st Day In This Big World!
2nd Day In This Big World!

3rd Day In This Big World!
Almost 1 Month Old
1 Month

2 Months
3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months!
This is what happens when you leave Amy in the Living Room by herself for too long!

So adorable :)

She stopped and posed for the camera

Little cheese ball during dinner :)

First bath in the sink!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Just One of Those Weeks

I am sitting here at a quarter after ten at night and my minds still racing. I have just been thinking back on the past year and the few years prior. I will have been in Michigan officially for a year Columbus Day weekend that seems so crazy that it has not been longer. I have made many great friends, grown apart from others, and others just are no longer existent for one reason or another. I wouldn't go back in my life and change a thing and I know that's a hard thing for someone to understand, but I wouldn't be where I am in my life now if I hadn't gone through all the things I have. It's truly amazing to me though how God can love a wee sinner like me, even time after time of messing up, but he still loves me no matter what I've done or what mistakes I may make. I cannot thank God enough for that.
Back in high school, I thought I was a Christian, and yeah I definitely went through that goody two shoes (however, that phrase is spelled) stage unbelievably. I went through that rebel stage just like many teens and I would not go back and change that because I learned a lot through that stage and more than anyone can imagine. I got into some trouble in high school and did stuff that I'm am not proud of, but it's helped me to reach decisions on how I'm going to parent my own daughter and what she'll be allowed to do and what she won't. Sometimes I think maybe I am a little over protective at times, but I guess I would rather be overprotective than not protective enough. 
My senior year of high school I started going to a church that off branched from the Apostolic Church in Tremont and things were going great until that March (I think that is when it was), then my life started getting out of control. When I think back and look at it my life was already starting to get that way the second semester of my junior year. Sometimes I would love to go back and smack myself and be like are you serious why are you doing these things. I just wonder now what happened to the girl who was into track her sophomore year and had the good friends and not the bad influencing ones (no I wouldn't say all my friends were bad influences because they weren't). 
However, as I think about the friendships that were lost when I moved up here, I realize that they obviously were not the good and true friendships because otherwise we would still be friends. Some were ended because I changed, others ended because they did not like what I had to say when they asked. Nevertheless, there is no reason to cry over spilled milk.
I moved up here to Michigan in August of 2011 for college, it was the best move I could have ever possibly made, and I am glad I did. I started at Calvin in the fall of 2011 about a month after finding out that I was expecting my beautiful little girl. I did not really know what to think, I did not know what to do and I definitely was feeling the pressure to make a quick decision. In a span of a two-week period, I made the quick decision to do adoption, and leave Illinois and go to a state where I knew no one all by myself. 
In October of 2011 my aunt, uncle and their kids came up to visit and I was acquainted with the apostolic church here in Alto. I am ecstatic that I did. I cannot imagine my life without all the wonderful people here, who have all been nothing but supportive of my little girl and me. I started religiously coming to church every Sunday and most Wednesday's. I got acquainted with some awesome girls up here and made friendships that have really helped me out a lot. 
While up here, I made some friendships that we have grown apart and it really hurts to know that. There have been people that I have truly cared a lot for, that we have just grown apart from each other and it has become awkward when talking with them. It makes me wonder on some of them what happened while on others I know exactly what happened. I just have to TRUST that God has a plan for all these friendships and those we may have grown apart because the friendship was unhealthy or just unhelpful, or that God just has a lesson for me to learn from that friendship. I love all my friends past, present and future, whether we are still friends or not. 
There are those people up here who I know I can count on no matter what the problem is. Whether it is someone to check my car out, someone to talk to when I am having a rough day or just someone to hangout with and have some relaxing fun. God brings people in and out of our lives for a reason; we just have to allow him to show us the reasoning behind it.
This past Sunday we had two very convicting sermons to me. I have not had a sermon hit me sooo hard in so long. It made me stop and think about my past friendships and how they were; it was a major wakeup call of what in the world was I thinking. I do not mean that in a bad way either. I would not change any of the friendships I have had because they have given me a new perspective on life, both good and bad and that I am thankful. 
As I am sitting here, typing my mind is slowly, slowing itself down which I am so thankful for, because it is definitely past this mommy's bedtime. Well Labor Day weekend I headed back to Illinois for the weekend and got to spend some time that was definitely due with my grandparents. We finally got time to talk for once in a long time without those interruptions of my little cousins (who I do LOVE dearly). My grandma told me she was surprised when I decided to go to a Christian college. I only applied to Christian colleges actually, I never applied to a single state school and boy am I glad. Do not get me wrong Christian colleges are not all they are cracked up to be. There are still their parties people are just more careful at hiding them. Honestly when I think back to the time I was applying to colleges, I am even surprised myself that I WANTED and ONLY applied to Christian colleges because that was definitely not the type of person I was. However, I am surely glad I did.  
I have to say I can tell a difference in my life and I know others can too. I can say that I got emotional for the first time in a long time on a trip back to Illinois a few months back when my uncle for the first time in awhile told me I looked nice. I do not know that he really realizes how much that really meant to me, for the one father figure who I rebelled against for six and a half years to say something sweet and nice. I can say that my relationship with him is ten times better now than it was a year and a half ago and I love him dearly. 
Enough about me already, what about Amy, I am sure that is what you are all thinking :P
Well let us see what Amy has started doing in the last couple of weeks...
She started sitting on her own, which threw her mommy into an emotional overload, and her mommy cried. I find myself crying at every new milestone she hits. She is definitely trying to learn how to crawl as she gets on all fours and rocks back and forth it is definitely ADORABLE! That personality of hers is starting to come out of the wood works. Today I was taking a picture of her and I look at the picture and she has one eyebrow cocked up, it's funny her mommy makes the same face. She has started refusing some of her baby food (probably due to all the table food she is fed at dinner). But, I am okay with that because we are almost done with the baby food in the cupboard. 
She is finally over the ear infection, but we have gone straight into the teething stage. I can tell you I do not like teething one bit. Poor girl has a fever off and on throughout the day (not very high), chewing intently on everything, drooling like a dog (for a lack of comparison), and sleeping so much. I will definitely be glad when that tooth comes through, as I am sure so will she :)
Amy does not like the car rides to Illinois and back too well I have found. It is a lot of fussiness about three hours into the trip. I hope that she will do okay on the way to Taylor at the end of the month. 
I know I never have talked about Amy's dad to anyone really EVER, but do pray for him, that he will come to the good Lord before it is too late. Pray for a quick recovery from what the cops believe were gang members who beat him up for gang their initiation (note Amy's father is NOT in a gang). 
The person I would like to talk about in this blog post who has had a great influence in my life is Curt Kaeb. I met Curt for the first time when my aunt and uncle came up and they stayed with Curt and his wife Luanne. He was kind of like my grandpa in the sense that he is not afraid to talk to strangers :) He got my number and told me that I could stay with him and Luanne on the weekends if I wanted and he would even have one of his boys come and get me. Believe me what was going through my mind was not a thought of joy at the time it was a though of oh great, just what I need someone hassling me about church, but I am glad he did in a very subtle way. 
He called me two weekends after the first Sunday I was in church and invited me to stay at his house even though they'd be away, I wouldn't have went back to church if he wouldn't have called me up that Saturday afternoon. I shared that with him, his wife and his boys not too terribly long ago. Curt's a person who God sent me that Columbus Day weekend. The person that I needed to give me a kick in the butt and say in a rather subtle way you need to be back at church and focusing your life on God's plan for you not your plan for you.
Curt and I talked about making a toy box for Amy for quite a few weeks in a row, and we never got around to making one together (which is kind of a bummer). But, a few Sundays ago, Amy got sick and we went home from church. When Terry and Laurie got home, Laurie told me Curt had given them a toy box for Amy. I just had to smile because he remembered. He had found a toy box and it is the cutest thing ever. It is this little wicker toy house box. I could not have asked for anything better. 
Curt has just been such an inspiration to me in my life and I am thankful everyday that God brought him, his wife and his kids into my life. His family holds a special place in my heart and they always will. 
Just a few pictures from our trip to Illinois :)

 She was a tired girl after our morning with my second mom Kathy :)
 Like mother like daughter :)
 She and Great Grandpa had to make sure the chair didn't fly away :P

 In the garage watching Great Grandma and Grandpa on the day we left :)
Such a snugly baby :)