Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cranky Mommy, Sick Baby, Guilty as Charged :)

Sitting here at the kitchen table trying to avoid the inevitable, that I actually have to finish my laundry today, clean the bathroom and get some organizing done. What better thing to do to avoid all this, than to write a new blog post :) It's definitely been an interestingly long week. 
Amy had what I thought was a cold, well I thought wrong. When she started throwing up her first bottle of the day three days ago, I started wondering ok is there something I'm missing. Low and behold we get to the doctor’s office last night and find out that she has an ear infection that was on the verge of getting nasty and to think Laurie was giving me a hard time about taking her to the doctor. This mommy knew something more was wrong than just a little cold, considering this is the only time she's been sick in the six months she's been out of the womb. I have to say I am a pretty lucky mommy. Although her antibiotic smells like bubble gum, I'm guessing it doesn't taste like it. Either that or Amy doesn't like bubble gum flavored things. So instead of trying to give her the medicine through the syringe, we mixed it with some yogurt and baby food and she gobbled it right down. 
Amy has been miss I'm going to eat everything and get into everything this past week. She scoots herself everywhere and boy is she rather fast at it too. Crawling I can honestly say is something I'm not looking forward to her doing because then we really have to keep our eye on her every second of the day or else she'll have all grandma's pots and pans out of the cupboard before we know it. Today she apparently wanted her bunny out of the basket so she tipped the basket over in the process knocking everything else out of the basket. Then she proceeded to eat a blue coupon, then chew on her bunny making the bunny (which is white) turn blue on the face.
Last Thursday Jaron and Marla came along with their adorable two boys. Apparently it’s already being arranged that Amy and Ty will be married when they're old enough. I though arranged marriages were a thing of the past haha :) We're sitting around the table at dinner Saturday night and Terry's talking about how Ty better make sure he has good credentials if he plans on marrying his granddaughter. Terry's not smitten by Amy at all :P Friday afternoon we all went to the beach, Amy and mommy took a nap in the car for a little bit, then out to dinner at Kirby's Grill (man am I being introduced to a lot since moving to Michigan). Amy didn't like the beach much this time, due to her being sick. I loved just sitting and watching Jaron and Marla's two boys play in the water and sand. Makes me look forward to the time when Amy starts playing at the beach instead of just laying down. 
Saturday Amy got to hang out with Jaron, Marla, Ty, Aiden, and grandpa and grandma while mommy worked in the morning. I got introduced to shrimp Saturday night and I have to say I liked it. It seems to surprise people that I've never had shrimp before. As seems to have become our routine around here ever Friday or Saturday we watch a movie as a family. Sit around eating popcorn and delicious fruit smoothies that Laurie makes. Saturday night the movie of choice after what I believe was twenty minutes of flipping through movies was Count of Monte Cristo a book I read in high school, but had never seen the movie. Boy, had I forgotten how interesting the story line to that book was.
Sunday Amy proceeded to throw her bottle up all over her, my dress, the baby room floor and the sink in the baby room. So, mommy and Amy went home unfortunately before morning service was even over :( Good ole Eric was a peach and drove Amy and me home so Terry and Laurie still had their car at church. Finally after five nights of Amy waking up six or seven times due to her breathing she finally slept through a night without waking up once last night. The vaporizer I think is finally starting to work, thank God.
I had to laugh last Saturday when giving someone a hard time about their website I was put in my place by being informed my grammar isn't the best on my blog. I must say I think I have a little better excuse (granted this person does have an excuse too, mine's just better :P). When this person tries to write a blog while trying to keep track of a moving almost 6 month old, then I'll give them less or a hard time about their grammar, it's difficult to have perfect grammar and keep track of where Amy went now. There's things she definitely doesn't need to get into. 
Yesterday I got up for work and for once in five days I wasn't running late for work. Friday morning I woke up at 10 after 4, Saturday I woke up at 5 of 4. Though I must say Friday night I was cranky and I warned those that I worked with Saturday that if I was cranky at them I'm sorry. Yesterday after getting home from work I finally gave in and took a nap, after feeling sick at work and getting cranky at Terry and Laurie the day before. After three hours of sleep I was back to my normal sarcastic self and got Amy and I's bedroom cleaned and our sheets washed, now I only have to finish my laundry, organize and clean the bathroom yet on my to do list :)
I was thinking as to who the person was that I was going to talk about this week in my blog about the influence they have had in my life and as I was flipping through Facebook I found the perfect person :)

Amy's Great Grandpa and my Grandfather, he means the world to me. He's been the only father figure that has always been in my life and the one that I know will never leave unless it’s his time to meet Jesus. He can be rough on the edges at times, but he's the most soft hearted (yes I believe I made a new word) man that there is. From childhood to adulthood if there's anyone that I would ever take a hundred percent what they said it would be him. I remember spending time in the summer with him at the farm and how much I always looked forward to that time. Eating breakfast every morning with him and forcing myself to eat liverwurst because I wanted to be just like grandpa. Liverwurst in my opinion is possibly the worst tasting stuff around.  Loading the pigs into the grain truck and going to the pig auction playing with the toys on the big steps and getting a treat that he would buy me. Sitting in the combine every year, going down the field during harvest and watching the corn or beans come out of the auger into the grain truck. Switching from the combine to the grain truck and heading off  to the elevator whether it is the west or the east elevator, getting peanuts at the West Elevator or Candy at the East Elevator. How I loved the harvest time and getting to spend time with my grandpa. Even though I hated helping pick grapes, apples, cherries, peaches, pears it was good for me. I hated picking up sticks so he didn't hurt the lawn mower, picking up apples from the ground as a little tot. I did it all whether it was willingly or he had to give me a boot in the hind end I did it for him. Going to auctions and getting cookies (that was always a special thing and always a memory that I will have forever). He's taught me a great deal about what hard work means and what tough love truly is. I love you grandpa!  
Hanging out by the big boys Saturday :)
 Grand Haven Friday Night
 Omogoodness Kasi! Shes so beautiful! And shes so a spitting image of you! What a cutie, time will come when youll be chasing boys away from her fer sure ;) -Kellie Deatherage 
 All Smiles :) 
 Such a precious Picture :)
 Quick picture Sunday before church. We're missing the two boys, but this family has become a second family to be. I love you all!

 She was so tired last night she fell asleep on grandpa's lap at the dinner table :)
Hanging out at the beach :)
 Finally holding her bottle on her own!
 She got tired of waiting on mom to get her bed made, so she decided to crash on the living room floor. So Precious!
 I'm innocent, hehe, that's what I've got them all believing :P
 She loves her elmo.
 Truly mom I didn't dump it out, I only wanted my bunny!

 Sometimes all she wants is her grandpa. The guy in the background was being a creeper the whole time we were there.
 Look they even lay alike!
 Jumping up and down on my grandpa :)
 Hanging out with boys already. Mommy is not ready for this!

 Well she likes the Farmstand's Corn on the Cob
 She found fascination in pulling some leg hair.
 She was intent on eating the bunny!
Amy's future husband (according to Terry)

If you can't tell by all the pictures I'm pretty smitten with my little girl :) This post is long enough, now time to get my to do list finished!

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