Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Beginning

Last summer I found out that I was pregnant with Amy. I wasn't going to go to Michigan for school, pretty much  I wasn’t going to school at all and just work. About two weeks before school was due to start someone from Calvin called me out of the blue to tell me that even though I was expecting a baby they would still love to have me come to Calvin for school. In the two weeks following that call I got ready for moving to Michigan and start school. I moved to Michigan and started school the 5th of September. At that point it hadn’t dawned on me that there was an Apostolic Church in Alto. I knew it was here because that’s the church my aunt and uncle went to on the Wednesday night they brought me up here. When I came to Michigan I was set on giving Amy up for adoption and had started the process not too long after moving up here. On Columbus Day weekend my aunt and uncle plus their kids came up to Michigan and I went to church in Alto with them that Sunday. That night I went to a cookout at Terry and Laurie’s house (the couple I stay with) and dropped that I was pregnant trying to get a reason why I shouldn’t come back to church. There was no reason for me not to go back. The next weekend I was “sick.” The following weekend Curt Kaeb called me up and offered to let me stay at his house that weekend even though he and his wife weren’t going to be home. Giving me a quite place to stay and do my homework. If he wouldn’t have called me that Friday I never would have come back. Sunday after Sunday I came to church and Sunday after Sunday I continued to put off what I knew I should do. I put off repenting until the 19th of January. That night I finally told myself if I didn’t call Ted and start repenting that night I would put it off even longer. So on the 19th of January I gave my life to the Lord and started on a new journey of life. Two weeks after starting my repentance I decided to keep Amy. It wasn’t an easy decision and if I had it to do again I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve learned so much in the months following when I first started repenting. I went through a period of having some issues with a couple of guys, not being able to find a job and just being stressed about all the finances. Once I let God take over my guy situation and that door closed, a new door opened and a job came and with that the stress of finances lessened. With one door closing and a new one opening a brand new part of my spiritual walk started. A part where all my trust and faith was in God that things would work out the way he willed. I now have put all my trust in God and my whole life in his hands. One night I was talking to a friend on the phone and the word PEACE just kept coming across the wall. I had thought a couple of weeks before that I had found that Peace and just wasn’t one hundred percent for sure. That night when the word peace came across the wall I knew for sure. My peace continues to strengthen through different struggles that I have had. The night of July 27th my Peace was strengthened when I opened my Bible to Acts 2 verses 25-28.
David said about him: “‘I saw the Lord always before me.     Because he is at my right hand,     I will not be shaken. 26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;     my body also will rest in hope, 27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,     you will not let your holy one see decay.  28 You have made known to me the paths of life;     you will fill me with joy in your presence.
It just strengthened my peace. These verses just showed me that he’ll always be by my side and show me the paths of life he has for me. 


  1. This is beautiful, Kasi. God continues to take our rough edges and make something awesome happen.

  2. He sure does. I've definitely been blessed. He's taken a lot of my rough edges and made something awesome out of them :)
